21 September 2008

Latest drawings

Been working on this new series for awhile. Pardon the poorish scans on a scanner bed too small for most of them.
Here's a smattering of images

21 July 2008

New art, as yet untitled

ink and rayon fibers on paper. play, logic, sexy time, and violence?

13 April 2008

Nature finds a way

tree grown with things in them (11) 10Awesome site of trees swallowing things

Jessica Joslin's antique brass beasts


15 March 2008

Holy crap

Transection from sliding miter saw.
Play safe out there, everyone.

Liquid bouncing off itself

The research can be seen here.

24 February 2008

First logic puzzle

I made this Half Hour Puzzle for Alex for Christmas. Its hemlock with inkwash finished in polymerized linseed oil and beeswax.

19 February 2008

Lisa Black's Taximech

Check out Lisa Black's portfolio here.
Really neat object making

13 January 2008